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Partner Registration

Overseas Placement and Recruitment Consultant. Providing Opportunities for a better lifestyle.

Franchise Form
  • This application form is for completion by applicants for Aeterno Strategies Pvt Ltd as Partner / HRBA. The information submitted on this form will be treated by Aeterno Strategies Pvt Ltd as strictly private and confidential. Please help us by completing all sections carefully and thoroughly and use additional pages/appendices as necessary. This form will present information that is essential for our consideration in granting you as Partner / HRBA.

  • This completion of this application form places no continuing obligation on either Aeterno Strategies Pvt Ltd or you. (But of course we hope it will have a happy outcome for all!).

Total Fees:-

Company KYC Details:- 

Individual KYC Details:- 

Properietor KYC Details:- 

Personal Details:-

Company Address:-


Business Experience

Office Detail:-


  • I hereby declare that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the above statement and particulars are true and complete.
  • I also authorize you to make any enquiries you consider necessary in connection with this application. I am aware that should this application be refused, no reason need be given.
  • I understand that any misrepresentation of factual information requested on this application form may be a cause for removal from the Aeterno Strategies Pvt Ltd.
  • I / We declare that the details and information provided by me / us herein above are true to the best of my knowledge and belief.